Celebrating 50 Years!

Dear Don & Eleanor

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Dear Don and Eleanor,
Congratulations on your golden wedding anniversary.  Fifty years ago
is almost as meaningful to us as it is to you two.  Both of us remember receiving telephone calls from you, Bob from Don and I from Eleanor, inviting us to go to Wheaton on the weekend to ring the tower bell for your engagement.  I can remember Eleanor saying that there would be some cute guys there.  Since I was not exactly looking forward to my summer school semester at Northwestern, I decided to go.  Likewise Bob was encouraged to ring the bell with promises of meeting girls.  He agreed and we were introduced to each other just prior to climbing those Wheaton Tower stairs, the only other people with you! 
After tugging on the bell chord with you several chimes, we two newly-introduced people watched as you smooched to seal your engagement.
Bob and I became engaged in December of 1954 and you prepared for the first baby.  We visited with you in Evanston and you showed off your new baby furniture and glibly said that maybe next year we'd be in the same boat.  Little did we know how our life would mirror yours with our wedding exactly one year after you-August 20, 1955 and our first-born in the spring of 1956.
The picture we have sent was taken at our wedding where Don served as a groomsman. 
Our lives went very separate ways, but we cherish this connection with your 50th anniversary.  It was good to see you again at the Wheaton reunion.  Only God could have scripted our relationships.  May He continue to guide you and your family.    
   Bob and Barb Cobb

Dear Eleanor and Don,
     In Muted Strings  Knut Hamsom says " In old age we no longer live our lives, we merely keep on our feet with the aid of memories."  I count myself fortunate to include you in my memories and wish you joy as you celebrate fifty memorable years.  Because our paths diverged fifty years ago, we're all young in my memories of you.  My mind knows you've changed and the information in your newsy letters has registered in my head, but the memories remain young.  Because your letters are usually a part of the Christmas season, you're a renewable resource  for me, like Christmas itself. 
     Thanks for the memories.  Blessings as your lives lead to new memories for yourselves.  With thanks for the past and hope for the future.   Jeannine B.
Dear Don and Eleanor,
     Want to wish for you a very happy 50th anniversary and many happy years to come!
     Now I am thinking back to the time there was a church sponsored roller skating party and you weren't at all anxious to go Eleanor.   But I was persistent, so you went and there you met your future husband, Don.
For him it seemed love at first sight! for you, it seemed to take a bit longer.  But however it happened,  it has lasted for 50 golden years.  So do I get a bit of credit for this????   With Lots of Love...............Mary Ross
Dear Don and Eleanor,
      I went back in time and remember meeting you some 35 years ago.  Your family through all the ups and down times, tragedy and joy have been an example of love and unity.  All my thoughts of you are good and pleasant ones.   All my best!.Freda
Dear Eleanor and Don,

Fifty years sounds like a long time, yet it seems like such a short time ago when Eleanor and I were roommates in North Hall at Wheaton.  I remember many discussions in which we were seeking to understand the world in which we live and for answers to its many problems.   
I wonder if we have come any closer in our understanding or our answers.  Our youthful idealism and fervor launched us into our separate paths which have intersected only a few times along the way.  But each time we have been able to reconnect and pick up our friendship.  (Your newsy Christmas letters have certainly helped to bridge that gap.)  God has led us through many different experiences, but He  has been a faithful guide.

How wonderful that you two have had 50 years together.  I remember being at your wedding (I think I poured punch at your reception).  You have weathered the years well and you were easily recognizable at our 50th Wheaton reunion!  May God be with you both as you continue to find joy and strength in Him.

Love and best wishes,      Betty and Wendell Obetz
Dear Don and Eleanor,
     We really appreciate you because you were like grandparents to our girls.  You have very BIG and generous hearts, and were always willing to include us in your family times.  The float trip we took over the Fourth of July was one of the happiest times in our lives.   Thank you for loving us! 
                                              Love,  Rolf, Mary, Carmen, Susannah
Dear Don & Eleanor,
I wish I had some more pictures of the families but can't find any.  We do want to wish you both a Very Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary & many more.  It would be so nice to be able to wish it in person but that is not to be.  So do celebrate with all your family & friends & ENJOY.  I was pleased to be remembered with an invitation.

Love & Best Wishes,
Ed & Shirley Holmes
Dear Eleanor and Don,
Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary!  You two have had a wonderful life together and raised five children to be proud of.  God has given you may blessings and some trials, but your faith has remained steadfast.  Celebrate your love and all the love your family and friends hold for you.
We've known you for over forty-five years and remember many of the great times our families had together.  Here are a few of those special occasions in no particular order:
Carpinteria- We used to spend a lot of weekends at the beach, but the best of all was Carp.  Lots of picnics, games, surfing with the kids and helping them grow up.
Chastworth Park- We used to picnic here when it was too cold at the beach.  There were lots of rocks to climb, trains to watch, and lots of cautions for the children.  It was ok here until the hippies took over.
Christmas- A highlight for us was when you would invite us to your outdoor Nativity play.  It was always well-attended and enjoyed by all.
Alaska- We visited you in Anchorage at the time of David's wedding and had a chance to see what a terrific place you had moved to.  We saw more of you paradise when we visited you with the Maurers in Fairbanks and Delta Junction after our Alaskan cruise of the Inside Passage.
Other memories- Sharing recipes, swim lessons at the Y, visits from you during your trips back here, sharing our faith in God, your telling us about the Haynes St house for sale which we bought, and the hundreds of carpool trips to and from SDC.
We don't get to see you as often as we'd like to, but when we do get together it is a though we have never been apart.  Our friendship is deep in our hearts.
May God grant you many more years of joy, happiness, love and good health.
                                                                  Friends Forever,  Joe & Margaret



Dear Don and Eleanor,
     HAPPY ANNIVERSARY~!!!   When I got the invitation to contribute to your 50th wedding anniversary website, I was honored and pleasantly surprised!  Most of my memories of you and you children were back when I was a child and you would come to visit Aunt Doris.  I always enjoyed playing with Linda and Susan and I remember that I wished you lived closer so we could see each other more often.  It was so great having some cousins that were close to my age.  You two were more like and aunt and uncle to me and you always were so kind!
     The last time I saw you was when you were in Hawaii during Douglas's hospitalization.  Although we hadn't seen each other for years, we had a common love for the Lord and a belief in the power of prayer.  This bonded us even more than our blood relationship.   That reconnecting with you was a part of the Lord's plan.  I also greatly appreciated your prayer for my marriage at that time.
     Time has flown since then!  Although my husband and I took a cruise to Alaska for our honeymoon 7 years ago, our paths still haven't crossed again.  I have always been interested in you faith and community and I know your 50 years of marriage have been blessed by God.  Having your children remain so involved in your church is a testament to your parenting.   I pray that we will be able to see each other again.
     One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11 - The Lord certainly had, and will continue to have, abundant plans for you two-- plans filled with joyful anticipation of eternal life with Him.
                                                                  Lots of Love,
                                                                  your cousin Marsha
Dear Don and Eleanor,
     We have been mulling over the memories and the one most vivid in children's minds was the time you watched them so Jim and I could go visit Sequim, WA.
What a handful!  We appreciate the love and energy you put into caring for them!
     I think one of my favorite memories is really a collection of them.  I remember "Grandma Eleanor" and I learning together in Midwifery helper courses; assisting at Zachary's birth; receiving the best-baby-booties-in-the-world-hand-knit-w-love...and I remember words that imparted  a Mother's wisdom spoken in the halls of the New Hope trailers, while sitting on a couch.   They were words spoken with sparkling eyes about the joys and trials of childbirthing, and raising of Godly offspring.
     And brother Don-you are not a man of many words...but when you spoke, you had something important to share.  I remember when you shared about your son, Doug with the young people at Church one Sunday morning.  You shared from a heart of love and compassion.  You spoke words that  you prayed would bring LIFE!       You both are an inspiration to us - and a cause of rejoicing to God!
                                       We Love You!    The Mosers

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