Celebrating 50 Years!
All the Stories!
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Dear Don & Eleanor
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Seperated but Together for 50 years...

     Several individuals were intent in locating the car Eleanor and Don were using on their honeymoon...and they intended on following them!   Don had expected something and came up with a plan.    He hid their real vehicle in a garage near Eleanor's folks.  It turned out to be quite an evening.  At what Don felt was an appropriate time, Don took  (I think the Maid-of-honor) with him in a car hoping the "followers" would think he and Eleanor were taking off for their honeymoon.  He then tried to lose the followers.  Meanwhile, Eleanor and I (best-man) were watching the happenings and slipped out another door and jumped into another car and went in another direction to her folk's house.   We waited!  I think it was about an hour later Don and the Maid-of-honor arrived.  Don and Eleanor then made it to their hidden vehicle and began their fifty years of life together!                  Homer Johnson

The other side of the.......story!

One story that stands out to me happened at Don and Eleanor's wedding, or I should say, immediately after the wedding.                                                       

     Some of us hung around to see what was going to happen.   There were rumors afloat among the young people that some of the boys were planning to capture the bride.  So we lingered after the reception hoping not to miss any of the excitement.

     When most of the guests had gone, the bride and groom came out of the church accompanied by the maid of honor ( Marian) and the best man.  They got into one "decorated" car.  Several of us piled into another car and gave chase to them.

     They drove to the Grant home.  We were in hot pursuit and parked nearby so we could watch the house to be sure that we didn't miss anyone coming or going.  We were about to give up and go home when the bride and groom, still in their wedding clothes, came out and jumped into their car.

     Of course we followed in a wild chase around town.   They led us to a narrow tunnel under the railroad tracks.  It must have been somwhere in Glen Ellyn, the town next to Wheaton.  They stopped in the tunnel which was wide enough for just one car.  The bride and groom jumped out and ran for another car on the other side of the tracks.  It had been planted there to help them escape their persistent pursuers.

     There was nothing we could do.  We could pursue them on foot, but that would be foolish.  We could drive to the other side of the railroad tracks but that was a long way around.  So we had to admit our defeat and go home.

     Later we learned that we were chasing the wrong person.  Marian, Eleanor's sister had changed clothes with Eleanor and was the "bride" in the wedding dress we were pursuing.  Marian looked so much like Eleanor that we were completely fooled.  They had outwitted us on two counts:  pursuing the wrong person and leading us to a dead end where there was no way out!

                                                               Ruth Holmsten

Dave and Norma come to dinner:

Dad had a tendency at times to twist his words around. He never meant to do it..but it was difficult for mom the english teacher to suffer through the embarrassment at times. This night mom implored dad to remember that it was Dave and Norma coming to dinner, not Norman and Dava. "Please, please! remember it's Dave and Norma.....DAVE and NORMA" mom said several times. Dad committed it to memory for he truly did not intend to embarrass his wife. Dad sat at the table and said grace...." Father we thank you for the opportunity to visit with Norman and Dava.............HAHAAHAAAWHOEE!!!! and Dad suddenly lost it as he realized what he had done!

The dribble cup

Mom had her own subtle form of humor...such as the dribble cup which was a beautiful crystal glass, which was diamond cut.    About 1/2 inch below the lip of the glass the leaves were etched and went all the way through. Thus when some distinguished guest sat at the banquet table and drank from the glass it would leak and dribble down their chin.

I would never....

Dad:  I really didn't want to go to the roller skating party that night.  It was a last minute decision.

Mom:  Well....Dad just sort of skated up next to me that night, and then we went out with some friends to a restaurant.   It was a nice time......although I did think it was a little strange when he ordered warm milk.

Dad: Warm Milk!?!    I would NEVER order Warm Milk !                                                          

Various Memories....

I will always remember going to the grocery store with Mrs. Marsh and Laurie.  They would walk through the produce and stop and smell ALL the fruit!  I'm sure they only smelled a few, but it seemed like they smelled everthing!  I didn't even know that fruit had a smell.  Now everytime I smell the fruit when I'm grocery shopping I think of Mrs. Marsh.

When Mr and Mrs. Marsh lived in Woodland Hills, California, they were the only people I knew who had a compost pile.   I don't think I knew what it was for....I just thought their garbage disposal didn't work!

I remember Mr. and Mrs. Marsh my brother and I riding bikes on the bicycle trails at 11:00 pm in Alaska....It was still light outside!           I remember making toffee and tapioca pudding and putting it on the porch to cool because there was no refrigerator!  I remember making french fries and doughnuts in the camper.

I have lot's of memories...but the last time I was in Alaska and saw Mrs. Marsh was in the summer of 1992.  I was married with three children.  We had just pulled up to her house and were getting out of the car.  Of course I called her Mrs. Marsh.  She turned to me said "Oh honey, we're all adults now.  you can call me Eleanor"  My reply was "Oh no!  I've always called you Mrs. Marsh.  I would be unable to call you anything else.   They have always seemed like another set of parents to me.  Even though I don't see them often, I've known them all my life and will always love them.   Love you Mr. and Mrs. Marsh!  Happy 50th

                                                          Love,  Wendi Macias Lockwood

All in a days work.....

        It was early one morning in Anchorage and Dad headed out the door for work.   The steering wheel was extremely stiff and wouldn't budge and he realized that all the steering fluid had drained out.  No problem he thought...I've got some in the trunk.  

 Opening the trunk he quickly realized that oops.....wrong trunk.  It's the the trunk of the car which was 250 miles away at the Farm.  Ok......so the gas station is just around the corner.  I'll ride the bike.  

 Getting the bike out, he noticed that the tire was flat, so he searched through the closet and found the tire pump (which was minus a handle) and suceeded in pumping up the bike.  

 As he arose from pumping he noticed a strange aroma and found that he had knelt down in some stray dogs mess.   So he went in to change. 

  After changing he found to his dismay that the tire had gone flat again!  So Dad pulled out the 2nd bike and headed on down the street.  

 As he turned the corner he was met with a big dozer who was ripping up the sidewalk and concrete....and so ended up walking the bike to the gas station. 

Asking the attendant for help,  he looked at Dad and said....You're not going to believe this.....I just sold my last bottle!




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