New Hope Fire
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Overview of New Hope in green 2004. Fire pictures on page 1 and 2.

Sunday, May 1st.  Fire crews from all over converged at New Hope Community in Delta Junction, Alaska.   High winds whipped up flames from a neighboring field and rapidly spread over 250 acres of hay fields and wind breaks.  Fire came to within 10 feet of a duplex as it swept across the hay field where firefighters and the men of New Hope Community battled and stopped the flames.  The fire then changed course and went out behind the community garden, torching fields as it traveled down the windrow....blazing behind the greenhouse which also was saved.  Reaching the pasture the fire swept forward once again and burst into billows of smoke through which our wonderful crew of volunteer firefighters and forestry fought.   The Fire was finally contained just beyond the far treeline.  Today, crews are mopping up and checking the status of hot spots.  We sure do appreciate our Firefighters!